First of all, thank you for making it to our page. We're really glad you're here. This site is a memoir of our lives and how we experience the world through our queer lens. If you're here from our social media platforms and have been following us for some time now, you know that we are an opinionated, loud, silly, ice cream and pasta loving, adventuring duo.
I hope that some of these pieces speak to you and help, inspire, and make you smile in some way. I hope you can relate, you can dream, and can feel like you belong, no matter how alone or isolated you feel. Thank you for joining us and being a part of our lives and our adventures—after all, we do what we do because we like to entertain, make you smile, and like every human being, hope to connect with those who we can call our royal court. Make sure to check out our merch too and join the club, we literally got jackets.